James Hardie Siding for New Jersey Homes

Up And Above Contractors, LLC is a highly regarded and certified James Hardie® Fiber Cement contractor. We install the full line of Hardie siding products on homes throughout the region. James Hardie is the world’s leading fiber cement siding product and system and we’re proud to offer it to our customers.
HardieZone System
The HardieZone™ System provides siding with specific performance attributes relative to the climate where the product is being used. So say goodbye to the days of one-siding-fits-all. James Hardie now gives Up And Above Contractors, LLC the ability to put the optimum siding on a home in New Jersey.
HardiePlank® Lap Siding
HardiePlank® Lap Siding is the most popular brand of siding in America and can be found on over 4 million homes. With its strength, beauty and durability, HardiePlank® siding enhances and protects homes in all kinds of climates.
HardieShingle® Siding
HardieShingle® siding has the same warm, authentic look as cedar shingles, yet it resists rotting, cracking and splitting. It’s beautiful as a primary siding or as a complement to other styles of James Hardie® siding. Our shingle siding panels come in a variety of decorative edges, and expedite installation in larger areas.
HardiePanel® Vertical Siding
For applications that call for vertical siding, HardiePanel® vertical siding is equal to lap siding in value and long-lasting performance. Because of its structural strength, HardiePanel siding may be used as a shear panel. When combined with HardieTrim® planks, it can also help you achieve a board-and-batten look.
HardieTrim® Boards
James Hardie fiber cement trim and fascia add the finishing touch to a beautiful, lasting James Hardie home. They provide unmatched durability in corners, columns, windows, rakes and friezes.
HardieSoffit® Panels
James Hardie pre-cut soffit panels eliminate the need for separate box or strip vents and minimize the need for cutting. HardieSoffit® panels are available vented or non-vented, in a range of pre-cut sizes.
Colorplus® Technology
Take advantage of the ColorPlus® Technology to get the look you want, without the maintenance.
Weather Barrier
As the maker of the #1 brand of exterior siding in America, no company knows more about creating beautiful, durable and weather-resistant homes than James Hardie. They pioneered a superior technology with fiber-cement siding for the exterior of your home. It’s the first layer of defense in weather protection.
Get a FREE Estimate
Call Up and Above today at (973) 300-0636 for a FREE in-home consultation and estimate. Or simply complete and submit our request form and we’ll contact you within one business day.